Monday, January 25, 2016

Coulture Magazine

As I mentioned in my first post, I am working as the marketing director for a student-run magazine this year. Coulture Magazine is the premiere fashion and lifestyle publication at UNC and focuses on making fashion accessible and relatable for people of different races, sizes and genders. All of the content is created by a student staff of writers, photographers, models, editors, and more. 

Photo by Coulture Magazine. Follow on Instagram @coulturemag.

I was so excited to try something new and challenge myself. I would be overseeing a group of students to sell advertising to local businesses and organize promotional events. It has been challenging, but not in ways I was expecting. I had been anticipating a big time commitment, maybe dealing with clashing team members, but the biggest problem I have experienced so far is effective communication. 

Everyone on the team is a full-time student with other extracurriculars, which makes coordinating meetings and keeping everyone on the same page more difficult. People don't always respond to emails or show up to meetings. As a relatively Type A person, I couldn't understand how people could just ignore messages or appointments. I began to feel like a nagging busy-body every time I sent an email or tried to follow-up with people. Therefore, my goal for this semester and our second issue of Coulture is to create more team unity and accountability. 

We are having our first marketing meeting this week. At the meeting, I plan to break down a more focused list of goals and designate clearer roles. I hope this creates a more cohesive team, but I also hope it helps everyone feel involved and utilizing their best talents. 

For more information about Coulture Magazine, visit where you can enjoy blogs, pictures and an online version of our first issue.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

About Me

Hello to everyone in the blogosphere! My name is Jessica, but my friends call me Jessie, and I am studying public relations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. So, I will be blogging each week about whatever thoughts come my way, most likely revolving around campus life and journalism-related topics. But first, here's a little background information about me and my interests.

I was born and raised in Cary, North Carolina, a large suburb of Raleigh. I have a younger brother, two dogs and a love for traveling. This past summer I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Rome, Italy, where I shadowed Italian journalist and recently published author Filomena Pucci. Now that I'm back at school, I'm working as the marketing director for Coulture Magazine, a new student-run fashion and lifestyle magazine. These are just a couple things I'll be talking more about on my blog.

Overall, I hope to use this blog as a platform for sharing my own experiences and interests as well as a way to connect with others. Stay tuned!